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Post Exploitation: Attacks


Overview There are various spin-offs of the Mimikatz pro...

Dumping Passwords from Windows Credential Manager

Credential Enumeration cmdkey /list In reverse shells, I have noticed that it's impossible to s...

Dumping Hashes without Mimikatz

Post-Compromise on Target Lsass Process Dump Sysinternals ProcDump Download ProcDump here # D...


When to Use Could be used post-compromise upon enumerating the ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota policy....


DCSync Overview DC Sync is a legitimate function of Active Directory environments where a domain...

Pass the Password

Overview Cracked a hash or discovered a password for a domain user. Use the password and crackma...

Pass the Hash

Overview Dumped the SAM or LSA and now have hashes for domain or a local users. Use the hash and...

Pass the Ticket

Anatomy of a Kerberos Ticket [0;97d82]-2-0-40e10000-t2_felicia.dean@krbtgt-ZA.TRYHACKME.COM.kirb...

Pass the Key

Kerberos Encryption Keys Policies on the domain controller will dictate which encryption algorit...

Password & Credential Brute Force

User Emumeration You have enumerated users with one of the methods defined here: CrackMapExec...

Token Impersonation

Overview Tokens are temporary keys that allow a user to perform actions on a system or network w...

Spawn Processes as Other Users

RunasCs.exe Project GitHub Example Usage Spaw...


Overview The attacker uses a known username and password of a user on a domain. A typical Kerbe...

Group Policy Preferences (GPP)

Overview GPP allows admins to create policies with embedded credentials. The credentials are enc...


Local Privilege Escalation


Caution This can potentially break a domain controller, due the fact that this attack temporaril...


Usage and Help Display the xfreerdp man page man xfreerdp Display the xfreerdp help output on ...