Downloading Volatility
Download the standalone executable based on your operating environment:
- Linux
- Mac OS
- Windows
The latest version of Volatility can be downloaded here: https://www.volatilityfoundation.org/releases
Usage Overview
Taken from my HackTheBox write-up here: https://benheater.com/hackthebox-silo/#privilege-escalation
# Show help message
./volatility --help
# List profiles (and other info)
./volatility --info
# List profiles and grep for Windows Server 2012 Memory Profiles
./volatility --info | grep 2012
# Example command: will take a bit to run
# ./volatility : runs the executable
# -f : specify the memory dump file
# --profile : specify the operating system profile
# hashdump : the Volatility module to run
./volatility -f memdump.dmp --profile=Win2012R2x64 hashdump